
Buying Your First Property

  Buying Your First investment Property   Ney Torres:         [00:00:00] Welcome to the podcast. Today, I have a very good friend of mine. Bieke, welcome to the show. How are you? Bieke :     [00:00:05] Thank you. I'm very good. Thank you for having me. Ney Torres:         [00:00:10] Today, I wanted to interview you for the people listening because you are starting your financial freedom journey, right? And you started this journey. I've been watching for the last year, right. Bieke :     [00:00:26] Yeah. About a year ago I started. Yup. Ney Torres:         [00:00:29] How did you started this? Can you tell me a little bit your story? Bieke :     [00:00:33] Well, it started after finishing… Well, it's a very big cliché. Of course, after finishing my world trip. I experienced the kind of freedom that everyone wants to have. [00:00:45] And of course when I got back, I wanted to keep that kind of freedom. So, I wanted to be just able to go wherever I wan